Writers, however, have to reach the third stage in order to be successful. 这一说法可能失之偏颇,但成功的写作是必须达到这第三阶段的。
The third stage will involve Chinese productions with international participation. 第三阶段,中国电影将参与国际竞争。
The third stage is that of the Anti-Japanese National United Front. 党的发展过程的第三个阶段,就是抗日民族统一战线的阶段。
The third stage is to recollect and reactivate these memories where necessary. 第三阶段是在必要时重新回忆和激活这些记忆。
The participation of environmental NGO is the third stage which should not be overlooked in terms of environmental protection. 市场机制调节、政府干预以及环境NGO参与,三者缺一不可,环境NGO参与是环境保护中不可忽略的“第三级”。
The third stage is to explore a more balanced induced humoral and cellular immune response. 第三阶段是探索诱导出较平衡的体液和细胞免疫反应。
The third stage is the intuitive stage. 第三阶段是直觉阶段。
The third stage, after entering the21st century. 第三个阶段,进入21世纪以后。
Its first stage was military adventurism, in the second it turned into military conservatism and, finally, in the third stage it became flightism. 其第一阶段是军事冒险主义,第二阶段转到军事保守主义,最后,第三阶段,变成了逃跑主义。
But there is a third stage. 但是之后会有第三个阶段。
38. The third stage will be the stage of the counter-offensive to recover our lost territories. (三八)第三阶段,是收复失地的反攻阶段。
This third stage of development of electronics is still in his infancy. 电子学发展的第三阶段仍处在它的幼年时期。
And passing out of the third stage he entered into the fourth stage of deep meditation. 从第三阶段出来后他进如第四阶段的深度冥想。
West Triangle Economic Zone is at the initial period of the third stage of economic zone development and its further development needs central government policy support and people's promotion. 西三角经济区处于经济区发展的第三阶段初期,其进一步成型还需要国家政策支持和人为推动。
Their recovery will depend mainly upon the strength which China has built up in the preceding stage and which will continue to grow in the third stage. 收复失地,主要地依靠中国自己在前阶段中准备着的和在本阶段中继续地生长着的力量。
Some human hold those only the third stage is really writing. 有人说只有这第三阶段的书面表达才是真正的书面表达。
It suggests that placental blood collection not only provide vital blood sources, but also decrease postpartum blood lossing and shorten the course of the third stage of labor. 说明采集胎盘血不仅提供了宝贵的血源,而且减少了产后出血量,缩短了第三产程。
In the third stage, we should launch the strategic counter-offensive. 在第三阶段中,应该是战略的反攻战。
In the third stage, which comprised the period from the end of the third to the fifth counter-campaign, the guerrilla character and the fluidity were further reduced, and a central government and a Revolutionary Military Commission had already been set up. 从第三次反围剿后至第五次反围剿为第三个阶段,游击性流动性更缩小了。中央政府与革命军事委员会已经建立。
Soon the third stage of the war ended and the fourth stage began. 不久战争的第三阶段结束,第四阶段开始。
The major tasks of the third stage so to test and modify the prototype iteratively. 第三阶段工作的重点在于进行迭代测试与设计修正的工作。
Some couples in this third stage hardly see one another, but still deny that anything's wrong. 处在第三阶段的一些夫妻,虽然对对方熟视无睹,可是嘴上仍然可能否认出现了问题;
The global crisis has finally killed off the third stage. 此次全球危机最终让第三个阶段寿终正寝。
With the German attack on Kerch and Sevastopol in May this year, the war entered its third stage. 从今年五月进攻刻赤和塞瓦斯托波尔起,进入战争的第三阶段。
In the third stage, the Party's intellectual policy try back Marxist track. 第三阶段,党的知识分子政策重新回到了马克思主义的正确轨道。
Third stage water pump house sink well is designed and down sink construction technology are introduced in this paper. 协福电厂循环水泵房基坑施工,因变更设计和追求进度造成支护崩塌事故,全文简述事故经过和处理方法。
The third stage is the present stage, the War of Resistance. 第三个阶段,就是现在的抗日战争阶段。
This third stage is the one that represents the real transforrnation and the major payoff. 这第三阶段代表了电子商务所带来的真正的变革以及主要的回报。
The third stage is the legal due diligence. 第三阶段是法律尽职调查。
The third stage: students arrange the materials, analyze material independently, discuss and prove argument. 第三阶段:学生独立整理,分析资料,并进行讨论,证明论点。